A downloadable game for Windows and Android


NumClear is a logic game for two players (you can play it everywhere!!) where you’ll need to have a good luck, make a good strategic.

Goal of the Game:

The goal of the game is to leave the opponent with no digits in their number.

How to Play:

  1. Start the Game: To begin, both players input their numbers in the fields (or just use randomizer). It’s important that both player's numbers have the same number of digits (otherwise, the game won’t start).
  2. Gameplay: Players take turns. Each turn consists of removing a digit from the player’s number and attempting to remove digits from the opponent’s number. Digits are removed based on a strategy: if the digits match in parity (even or odd), they will be removed from the opponent's number.
  3. Winning: The game continues until one player has no digits left in their number.


  • 1v1
  • Randomizer


  • Android version is not fully supported (but it's still working)


NumClear.rar 47 MB
numclear.apk 58 MB

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